The not so hidden costs of feminism
Any system has a cost [1].
The dynamics responsible for that are outlined in "The 10 axioms of Life" [2] and "The 10 axioms of Society" [3], the first a version regarding life in general and the other about how this applies to society, a human activity system on a large scale. Both are based on the inherent behaviour of complex, dynamic systems, wherever they occur.
A viable society features elements that contribute in the positive sense; any others which incur a debt are compensated for by the former. Hence the society suffers a loss if negative contributions prevail.
Nature does not care what the elements are, what matters is their effects on the whole. Just like the laws of physics, acting upon a falling rock, do not care whether the rock hits the ground or a roof. In a human activity system the dynamics operate regardless of what the members of that system believe, or desire, or abhor; such sentiments are in fact part of those selfsame dynamics.
For an observer of the system the question turns on this or that element's functional scope; that is to say, as to what extent it is able to influence its host.
The more powerful and/or the more pervasive such a module is, the greater the influence and therefore the higher the degree to which it is able to change the entire system. Whether the system ultimately benefits or suffers depends on the module's nature and what this means to the system.
In the case of human activity systems anything that involves a sizeable portion of their host would be significant. Since we come in two versions, male and female, the role either contingent plays can hardly be overstated.
Over the past five decades or so feminism has gained considerable power in Western society. With it the female mindset has taken hold across all levels, influencing politics, the law, education, health and welfare, indeed how we see ourselves.
Like any organism subject to evolution, humans carry in their make-up not only the cognitive dynamics derived from the here and now but also those that have their roots in our biological heritage.
Essentially females are, and need to be, configured to bear and rear children; males are, and need to be, oriented towards the wider environment. Their respective mutual interdependence with the social environment means female behaviour is coherent with the capabilities or otherwise of children, the male counterpart has evolved in tandem with the demands on society interacting with the world at large. The more developed a society is, the greater the chance of overlapping subdivisions, but the fundamentals remain. Faced with some danger from the outside for the female the first priority would be to change the outside, for the male it is to defend against the danger. In other words, if a child falls off a bicycle the mother will want to make the bicycle safer, the father is more inclined to train up the child.
Treat the above as forms of principle behaviour and one can transpose these observations into their respective manifestations as they present themselves. In order to apply an analysis based on the above mentioned functionalities it is necessary to look for events which involve those modules and observe how they manifest within the context of the event under focus. If the functionalities are able to be identified a relationship between the principle behaviour and its current form can be said to exist.
Five decades of essential female attitudes making their way through the layers of Western society produced their effects. The results are changing the fate of our civilisation.
An attitude which prompts its holder to change the surrounds rather than concentrate on the player responsible for a perceived problem has created a culture of blame, where responsibility is sheeted home to the wider system.
In the area of health for example government expenditure is rising due to the assumed need of the system to take care of largely negligent behaviour on behalf of the individual, since the number of any more or less coincidental accidents is becoming less significant due to our ability to make the environment safer compared to previous times. The chart below supplied by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare indicates the proportional spending on health against the total spending on all goods and services as it rose over the past decade.
In 2009-10 Australia spent $121.4 billion on health, which accounted for 9.4% of total spending on all goods and services in the economy. This averaged out to $5,479 per person [4].
Breaking the costs down into their various conditions, it can be seen that cardiovascular diseases accounted for the greatest spending ($7.9 billion or 11%) followed by oral health ($7.1 billion or 10%) and mental disorders ($6.1 billion or 8%). A significant cause for cardiovascular diseases is an inadequate diet, so much so that Queensland's chief health officer Jeannette Young highlights the increasing obesity rates for children because they are not taught how to eat properly by their parents (which would mostly involve the mother) [5]. She calls for yet more campaigns to halt the deterioration in health, observing that previous policies have not worked. Although "a radical approach is needed", not once in the entire article is the responsibility of the parents mentioned, let alone the need to discipline the children when it comes to choosing their food.
As a consequence, in Australia private health funds are set to hike premiums by $150 a year because government budgets are increasingly struggling with meeting the demands of the health sector while continually being pressured to spend in all other areas as well [6].
Yet at the same time mothers assuage their feelings of guilt (undoubtedly reinforced by the constant government campaigns about their children's ill-health) by overspending on their youngsters, as a survey conducted in Britain by IBISWorld has discovered. In Australia the figure is $2.3 billion a year [7]. The money has to come from somewhere, and the conflicting demands from caring for their children and at the same time holding down a job results in chronic time pressure for two-thirds of women, as the recent Australian Work and Life Index demonstrates [8].
On the same note, a study by the United Nations Children's Fund has found that poor parenting seeks to offload its guilt by overloading kids with gifts and indulgences, while it was also found (no doubt after a thorough investigation that resembles the reinvention of the wheel) that the one thing children want is time with their parents and playing outdoors [9].
A home that is so dysfunctional children don't even know what is appropriate to eat anymore would reflect on their general behaviour, leading to problems for the teachers who have to deal with the result in their classrooms. The situation does not exactly attract the best quality of teachers, and so in a submission to the Teaching and Learning senate inquiry the Queensland Association of State School Principals warned about the lack of quality in teachers. Another problem is the existence of disruptive youngsters with the result that approximately 20% of pupils attract 80% of teachers' time [10]. The answer from Queensland Education Minister John-Paul Langbroek is to fund school chaplains for an additional 21 state schools plus a 10% funding increase for the 128 state schools already in the chaplaincy program. While the wider society is meant to pay for the growing problem no thought is given to the actual cause because that would mean standing up to indulgent mothers. How protective that demographic has turned out to be can be seen from another complaint by school principals that children are prevented from doing anything much physical at all (even painting and drawing classes) because of safety concerns, red tape and the tendency of parents to sue [11] (my italics).
For example, in schools a "no hat, no play" rule is in force to protect pupils from overexposure to the sun. Leaving aside the not unreasonable argument that during the course of normal play (at least what used to be considered normal) a hat affords hardly any protection for a jumping, climbing, rolling body, the rule is made use of by those pupils who are simply too lazy to do much of anything, and so that particular point alone has been identified as a cause for obesity [12]. Why a child can't be made to go to school with a regulation hat in any case is not bothered with - system-wide and of course costly policies are preferred.
The however dim realisation by women that all is not how it should be in their own sphere leads to ever increasing demands on child care [13]. Since any system costs, down the line the costs for child care are on the up and up accordingly. Driven by the desire to rejoin the workforce, requirements for better quality (ironic since basic life instructions are obviously out of tune in the home) and calls for better training of the staff, the burden on society as a whole gets heavier still.
Thus prepared the young person continues in life and on their path towards a supposedly productive member of society is observed by the government regarding their participation in either ongoing study or some work. The need to have public resources made available to keep tracking teenagers in this way is significant in itself, and so it appears that an increasing number of 18- to 24-year-olds do not show up in either schooling or having a job [14], leading to concerns about the growing ranks of disconnected youth.
Perhaps those 18- to 24-year-olds are in reality a euphemism standing mostly for males, if Margarete Wente from the Globe and Mail in Canada is to be believed [15]. As she writes, "Everyone knows the girls are clobbering the boys in school. They get higher marks and graduate at higher rates. Women have stormed the gates of medicine and law. They've all but taken over pharmacy and veterinary work. They are focused, purposeful and diligent. Their brothers, meanwhile, are in the basement playing video games". "Part of the boys' crisis is that the culture doesn't like them," Brad Adams, executive director of the International Boys' Schools Coalition is quoted as saying. Note the dynamics: the female paradigm transforming society in terms of education and the will to make use of it, using society's framework to assist along the way, while at the same time closing the doors on male candidates.
Instilled with the certainty that society will take care of whatever problem dares to present itself, the expectation is reinforced by the response to issues that are simply a result of naive behaviour. For instance, the world of social media represents a societal and technical complexity which can hardly be comprehended by the average teen, yet the proliferation of its usage tells us something about parental control, or rather the lack of it. When bullying occurs their universe collapses, with one young female almost driven to suicide and her mother ardently supporting the idea by federal opposition leader Tony Abbott to make Facebook accountable for its content [16]. Again, the system is responsible but the individual is not.
In Queensland Wyatt Roy, the state's youngest politician, writes an article about the dangers of cyber bullying and bemoans the "lack of coordination approach across schools and jurisdictions" [17]. He also wants Facebook take a more pro-active role. He is the Queensland representative in the Coalition's Online Safety Working Group, a federal initiative designed to invoke nation-wide resources as well as those of a company like Facebook which at the moment provides free services to its general online users. At the ripe old age of 22 he knows what he is about but is obviously young enough to have partaken of the current zeitgeist which declares a personal dysfunction to be a failure of society. Children and teenagers (is there still a difference?) who suffer emotionally unless they are connected 24/7 have made it into the dictionary of psychology (as one does) and so their ego-centric indulgence is referred to as "Fear of Missing Out" - FOMO. That would be the ultimate stamp of approval.
Against such paucity of common sense and a minimal sense of circumspection and achievement it is no wonder quite ordinary responses are elevated to the heights of heroism and labeled accordingly. Recently a small girl was bitten by a snake and needed hospital treatment. While snake bites can indeed be serious, her body's reaction was aided by modern medicine and overall constituted a series of biological events going through their paces. Yet a gushing article in the Courier Mail told us about mother's "little fighter" but also how her mother "never heard her screaming like this in her whole life" [18]. Since when do little fighters scream exceptionally?
If the average mother with her short-changed child is tolerated despite the evidence pointing to some re-assessment of what the standard really should mean, when it comes to clearly below-standard abilities the obsession with tolerance is even more astounding. Professor Karen Healy from the University of Queensland wants intellectually disabled mothers to have the right to bring up children because it would be in line with human rights [19]. Arguing from a position of preventing forced adoptions she is fully on the side of the mother as far as her empathy is concerned, while disregarding the wider scope where the viability of society begins to matter.
A superficial glance at the interplay between mother and child leads to the conclusion that being a mother is an automatic guarantee for the child's well-being. When this is indeed the case then such an outcome is essentially the result of a tandem development between the organic and societal development of the mother and their counterparts in the child. Both have evolved side by side and therefore a synchronisation can be expected. However, disrupt the multi-faceted processes and both systems, the mother and the child, face the possibility of disengagement from each other. Contrary to the myth there is hardly an innate recognition of what is a supportive and/or a destructive form of behaviour. If the phenomena described above are not convincing already, there are examples of mutilation that appear to go directly against the capacity to know what is best, even for oneself.
Answering to the desire to look beautiful women resort to measures that are part of their respective cultural environment. Below are some examples spanning the wide range of cultural developments.
Clockwise from top: Amazon-Indians - woman with lip plug [20], a similar ornament for a child [21], a different version [22], and Western-style [23].
What if someone would tell a mother her daughter will be treated in such a way that she will suffer heel and ankle pain, her leg muscles and tendons will be shortened, the bottom of her feet will swell up painfully, and another side effect will be ingrown toenails. What would she call it - torture, violence, child abuse? So let's avoid all that and just show her a fashion catalogue.
Being attractive to the opposite sex aids procreation and is therefore biologically understandable. Nevertheless, the dynamics responsible do not entail the needs of the child and are therefore a manifestation of a mind that responds to a certain type of instinct. There is no child policy; in other words, those cognitive dynamics exist due to their underlying reasons and not as the modern-day political interpretation painting the image of an all-caring Mother would have it. Furthermore, the main initiative for implementing the demands of their culture comes from the women themselves - be it about lip plugs, high heel shoes or genital mutilation.
Our attitude reflects the cultural norm, and not much else. Sexual customs such as polygamy and polyandry for example are so frowned upon in the West that followers are sent to jail. Yet other societies that do practice it have survived for centuries. Although it could be argued that the West has achieved a higher standard and therefore our laws being the reason, in this case their 'lower-developed' counterparts would be more susceptible to the vagaries of nature and so a seemingly more debilitating custom would place them in greater jeopardy still. Yet their survival rates tell otherwise. Hence cultural norms are just that. What does matter however are the responses designed to uphold such norms and how these impact on society in the form of a system's dynamics.
The elevation of the Child under feminism coupled with the infusion of female priorities has produced a particular fury when it comes to the issue of child sexual abuse. Notwithstanding the need to address violence as far as is feasible, the term has been widened to include any nexus between an under-aged person and the context of erotic behaviour. The ground has been prepared by the Christian Church which has waged war on the human Eros for centuries. From its attitude towards homosexuality, adultery, masturbation, and anything in between, in legal terms its policy could be expressed as deeming sex guilty until proven innocent, rather than as holding it innocent until proven guilty. While the before-mentioned targets have largely been toned down, their place has been taken over by the emotional obsession with the Child.
Something must have triggered this cartoon by Lethbridge [24].
Mothers always protected their children, but in the current ambience of socialising the personal the rest of society is forced to deal with issues because they are now perceived to be of national concern - a function of subjectivity reinforced through a sense of self-importance. As usual, this costs everybody.
In recent days alone, prominent individuals such as "the nation's highest profile criminologist" Paul Wilson in Australia [25], Kevin Clash who used to voice the character Elmo in Sesame Street in the US [26], and former tennis champion and member of the US Tennis Hall of Fame Bob Hewitt [27] have been subjected to allegations of abuse by someone remembering the incidents many years later. And then there is the late Jimmy Savile from the BBC whose own celebrity status has been overthrown by allegations he took advantage of children in his line of work; 340 lines of inquiry are being pursued so far [28].
The fact that it took that long for allegations to be made in the first place says something about the reticence applied to sexual matters in general or perhaps the kind of feminist grooming women were subjected to during the ensuing years. That even after all that time the major instrumentalities of a society can spring into action indicates the importance such matters hold in our collective consciousness. And the willingness to confront individuals even of arguably significant standing and a proven record of contributing to their society speaks volumes about a perspective that places individual satisfaction above all else. Then again, the Mother Goddess needs the Child Angel to maintain the image of the stellar double.
Under those circumstances the suffering used as the reason for the all-out response is taken at face value. A similar attitude reigned during the times homosexuality was considered deviant with the relevant punishments in tow. Then, too, prominent, but above all, contributive and hence necessary individuals were persecuted. One of them was Alan Turing, mathematician and code breaker during World War II, who was convicted of gross indecency under the morality laws and was sentenced to chemical castration. A year later he committed suicide [29].
For moralists a gay person committing suicide proves just how destructive homosexuality is. The more enlightened understand the problem lies with the hateful attitude directed against them from society; a fact reiterated to gays by a variety of websites such as to offer at least some internal protection [30]. Of course, even acceptance by the rest does not ensure every single encounter must be a positive experience, but opprobrium is bound to heighten any damage considerably.
Just how little thought is given to the damage caused to society as a whole can be witnessed in the affair surrounding David Petraeus when two women, one a lover and the other a jealous what? observer, bystander, competitor? caused enough agitation to create a scandal around the former four-star general, Chief of U.S. Central Command and most recently CIA Director, forcing him to resign [31]. An issue touching national security, global military interests and the ongoing war in Afghanistan has found its way into something like The Hollywood Gossip where it's all about "Fashion", "Hairstyles", "Bikini Photos", "Scandals", "Weddings", "Babies" - you get the picture. Oh, and these days David Petraeus is supposed to have "consigned himself to a year in the doghouse", "grovelling to his family" [32].
One wonders what the Taliban make of this circus. Something like "And those guys want to fight us?" comes to mind. All they have to do is hold out a little longer.
In a world where there is no lasting competition, aggression and violence, life that runs through its script like a movie with the typical happy ending can indulge in self-centred satisfaction following every whim and nudge that happens to be in fashion. Out here in the real however it is nature that runs the script and humans and their societies have no special status, whether their members understand this or not. The dynamics of systems, based as they are on functionalities which have no sense or awareness, follow their own laws.
So it happens that global humanity, with its hunger for resources and its desire to get something wherever it can, and all directed by a bunch of neurons housed in that fleshy protuberance wobbling between their shoulders, is on the way to affect the climate of its entire planet. The other day the World Bank issued a report outlining the expected scenario of a 4ºC warmer world [33]. "It would be so dramatically different from today's world that it is hard to describe accurately; much relies on complex projections and interpretations", says one statement [34]; "The projected impacts on water availability, ecosystems, agriculture, and human health could lead to large-scale displacement of populations and have adverse consequences for human security and economic and trade systems", says another [35]. Particularly troublesome is the observation that not only have the trends identified five years earlier continued unabated and intensified, even a two degree increase in overall temperature drives us into exceptional circumstances, yet a "warming of 4ºC could occur as early as the 2060s" [36].
Not mentioned in the report as such but underpinning those observations nevertheless is the nature of complex systems answering to the dynamics of chaos. A system can seemingly continue along its current pattern, but at some point the ongoing change in potential causes a jump in the system's overall state. What happens next is dramatically outside the realm of the familiar. In mathematics the term used is bifurcation [37].
Recall the chart for Australian health care costs. The data span the years 1999-00 to 2009-10. Below are two charts using figures from the Department of Human Services [38] regarding the increase in the age at which a person becomes eligible for the age pension; first for women, then for men.
The data for women cover the years 1995 to 2023, for men the years are 2017 to 2023. That's because the first year the pension was raised for women occurred in 1995 (starting at age 60 rising to 60.5 and ending in year 67), for men the year will be 2017 (starting at age 65 rising to 65.5 and also ending in year 67). It should come as no surprise that there is hardly any difference between the trend lines for health and those following the pension rises, as the illustrations below demonstrate (- - - for women, - . - . for men).
Although the respective time spans are superimposed on each other, their almost parallel paths tell us something about the close relationship between the two types of expenditure. Since the world does not stop in 2010 nor in 2017, following the trends so far the age eligibility for the pension is expected to rise in theory, but has to stop somewhere. No government would contemplate raising the pension age to 90 and beyond (it wouldn't, would it?). Something has to give well before that. Who would like to retire at 80 then? Consider the projections coming from the Word Bank report and the drastic changes in store for us all which simply dwarf anything we have to pay for so far and one gets some idea about the challenges facing government budgets.
In the blog "2050: Age of the Silverback" [39] a scenario of the world in 2050 has been outlined, based on observations available at the time [40] and expressed through the dynamics in human activity systems. Written five years ago, so far the predictions in terms of their trends have been on target. They could serve as the background to what the World Bank was actually talking about.
In comparison with the rest of the world Western society faces tough times already. Recently Klaus Regling, chief executive of the European Financial Stability Facility, traveled to Beijing to ask for assistance in the EU's debt crisis [41], the EU being one system with its own millstones around the neck. This month Spain hosted the Iberoamerican Summit [42] where it became obvious who needed whom; it wasn't the former South American colonies who looked to Europe. Guess which of the two demographics shares the malaise.
The Special Parallels article "What kills a culture" [43] presents an observation on Britain and its own descent.
Although the problems in the EU are more complex than paying too much for kindergartens and such, they nevertheless point to the fate a hitherto rich society can face once its ledgers are no longer taken seriously.
So when the lights will go out once again because the current authority taking its orders from some foreign power is rationing supply, would the feisty mother with her tantrum-swinging daughter, whose critical epidermis real estate she has so carefully guarded, resort to the latest self-help book or would she wait for the other fifty percent of the population just in case they can tear themselves away from the blank screens to scrounge around for some dinner?
1. If there is one and only one advice one is allowed to give, it would be this: "Everything has a cost. Everything". It may sound trivial at first, but the more thought is given to what this actually entails, the more profound it gets.
2. M. Wurzinger, The 10 axioms of Life, 24 June 2011,
3. M. Wurzinger, The 10 axioms of Society, 30 June 2011,
4. How much do we spend on health?, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Canberra, accessed on internet 22 November 2012,
5. Hard Line On Soft Drink, Courier Mail, Brisbane, 13 Nov 2012.
6. Families face $150 health premium slug, Courier Mail, Brisbane, 19 Nov 2012.
7. Mums splash on kids, Courier Mail, Brisbane, 15 Aug 2012.
8. Women feel strain, Courier Mail, Brisbane, 22 Sep 2012.
9. Toys in place of time, Courier Mail, Brisbane, 15 September 2011.
10. Principals stuck with low-quality teachers, Courier Mail, Brisbane, 13 November 2012.
11. Bubble Wrap Kids, Courier Mail, Brisbane, 17 November 2012.
12. No Hat, No Play rule could be feeding child obesity, Courier Mail, Brisbane, 14 November 2012.
13. Costs rocket in child care, Courier Mail, Brisbane, 27 October 2012.
14. More young people in work-study limbo, Courier Mail, Brisbane, 14 November 2012.
15. M. Wente, Celebrate boys' boyness - and work with it, The Globe and Mail, Toronto, 18 November 2012, accessed on internet 21 November 2012,
16. Mother backs Abbott on sites, Courier Mail, Brisbane, 17 November 2012.
17. W. Roy, Kids deserve to be safe in cyberspace, Courier Mail, Brisbane, 22 November 2012.
18. Bitten Alesha knew she'd adder bad day, Courier Mail, Brisbane, 29 October 2012.
19. Inquiry told of adoption pain, Courier Mail, Brisbane, 3 September 2012.
20. S. Guiraude, Zo'e, Para - Bresil,, accessed on internet 21 November 2012,
21. Xingú A gallery curated by TomekY,, accessed on internet 21 November 2012,
22. Refletindo sobre o povo do Xingú, Blog do Edu Ambiental, accessed on internet 21 November 2012,
23. S. Pappas, Fashion's High Price: How Heels Damage the Body, LiveScience, TechMediaNetwork, New York, 27 February 2012, accessed on internet 25 November 2012,
24. B. Lethbridge, The Poor Man, Courier Mail, Brisbane, 3 December 2012.
25. Wilson to face abuse claims, Courier Mail, Brisbane, 22 November 2012.
26. Voice of Elmo quits amid new sex scandal, Courier Mail, Brisbane, 22 November 2012.
27. Tennis ace in abuse inquiry, Courier Mail, Brisbane, 17 November 2012.
28. Jimmy Savile sex abuse claims: Broadmoor role investigated, BBC News UK, London, 13 October 2012, accessed on internet 25 November 2012,
29. Alan Turing committed suicide after chemical castration for homosexuality, IBNLive, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, 23 June 2012, accessed on internet 25 November 2012,
30. K. Caruso, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Suicide,, accessed on internet 25 November 2012,
31. F. Britney, Jill Kelley: How Did She Expose Paula Broadwell-David Petraeus Affair?, The Hollywood Gossip, 21 November 2012, accessed on internet 22 November 2012,
32. D. Bates, Life in the doghouse: Petraeus spending his days plotting new career as his furious wife leaves him at home to go to work, Mail Online, London, 22 November 2012, accessed on internet 23 November 2012,
33. Turn Down the Heat: Why a 4ºC Warmer World Must be Avoided, A Report for the World Bank by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Climate Analytics, Washington, November 2012, accessed on internet 23 November 2012,
34. ibid, (p. vi).
35. ibid, (p. 8).
36. ibid, (p. 1).
37. Bifurcation, WolframMathWorld, Champaign, Illinois, 2012, accessed on internet 26 November 2012,
38. Eligibility for Age Pension, Australian Government - Department of Human Services, Canberra, 29 June 2012, accessed on internet 26 November 2012,
The calculations for the charts can be downloaded at >
39. M. Wurzinger, 2050: Age of the Silverback, 30 December 2007,
40. M. Wurzinger, 2050: References, 4 January 2008,
41. EU Bailout Fund Chief Klaus Regling Travels to China to Ask for Help, The Telegraph, London, 27 October 2011, accessed on internet 25 November 2012,
42. A. Glendenning, J Sainz, Iberoamerican Summit Hosted In Glum Spain, As Latin America Booms, Huffington Post, New York, accessed on internet 22 November 2012,
43. M. Wurzinger, What kills a culture,
26 Nov 2012
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